What Are Some Essentials When It Comes to Estate Planning?

Written By: Brandy Miller | December 29, 2016 | No Comments

Every adult in Berks County and Reading, Pennsylvania, needs to consider estate planning. Without a solid estate plan, Pennsylvania courts may be making key decisions in the event of a death or serious injury. Estate planning helps ensure your assets are passed on as you wish, and your interests are protected in case you cannot…

What are the Different Types of Child Custody?

Written By: Brandy Miller | December 28, 2016 | No Comments

The end of a relationship is a difficult experience for everyone involved. It can be even more stressful if you have children together and must therefore determine custody moving forward. As there are specific procedures and rules in custody actions it can be helpful to seek advice from law experts in the field of child…

Planning Ahead Assures Easy Transition for Your Estate

Written By: Brandy Miller | December 21, 2016 | No Comments

Failing to Plan Ahead for Your Estate Can Have Disastrous Results Here’s a real story that I was involved in early in my career.  A man in his mid-thirties is married to his true love and has been married for fifteen years.  Together they had worked very hard saving all of their earnings until they…

Alternatives to Divorce Mediation

Written By: Brandy Miller | December 15, 2016 | No Comments

What is a Mediated Divorce? Mediated divorce is a popular option because it promises to reduce some of the animosity of many divorces. Here’s how a Mediated Divorce works… You and your spouse meet with a Mediator to develop a plan to present to the court regarding matters such as… alimony; support; division of assets;…

Are Prenups Only for Wealthy People?

Written By: Brandy Miller | December 1, 2016 | No Comments

Prenuptial agreements are agreements entered into before a marriage outline how assets, income and other financial responsibilities will be handled in the event of a divorce. We constantly hear about the multi-million dollar prenuptial agreements of celebrities and wealthy people. Prenups are definitely necessary to protect them and their sizable assets. However, this may give…