Will My Credit Be Affected by My Divorce?
Written By: Brandy Miller | October 15, 2016 | No Comments
Getting a divorce will not affect your credit rating directly. However, many couples who are choosing to end a marriage do find their credit scores are affected by misunderstandings or by specific behaviors during a divorce. To understand how divorce could impact your credit rating, it is important to understand what a credit rating is.…
What to Ask for in Divorce Settlement Negotiations
Written By: Brandy Miller | October 1, 2016 | No Comments
Divorce settlement negotiations are intended to ensure common assets and finances are divided equitably and to ensure both parties in the relationship are provided for. Unfortunately, at Miller Law Group, we’ve noticed many individuals aren’t sure what they can ask for in divorce settlements. The reality is you can ask for several things in a…
How to Handle Your Finances During a Divorce
Written By: Brandy Miller | September 15, 2016 | No Comments
Divorce has an immediate and significant financial impact on both parties in the relationship. During the course of the marriage, a couple’s financial lives become intertwined. You generally file taxes together, name each other as beneficiaries on your accounts, have joint checking accounts, have bills to pay and so forth. You may have been planning…
Primary Reasons for Couples Getting a Divorce
Written By: Brandy Miller | September 1, 2016 | No Comments
In the United States, up to 50% of first marriages and about 60% of second marriages will end in a dissolution of marriage. Each relationship is unique, and there are a range of reasons why relationships don’t work out, but the most common reasons for divorce include: Lack of commitment. In at least one survey,…
Prenups: Are They Necessary?
Written By: Brandy Miller | May 15, 2016 | No Comments
Many couples in Pennsylvania who are considering marriage are wary about the idea of a prenuptial agreement. Some people feel they don’t “need” a prenuptial agreement because they don’t plan on getting divorced or because they don’t feel they have enough assets. Others feel that a prenuptial agreement somehow sets up the idea of divorce…