Patent and Trademark FAQs

Written By: Ali Audi | June 13, 2014 | No Comments

What is the difference between a Patent and a Trademark? According to the US Patent and Trademark Office, a Patent is a property right related to an invention. Patents have a limited duration and are granted in exchange for public disclosure of the invention. A Trademark is a word, phrase, symbol, and design that identifiesā€¦

Spousal Support, APL, and Alimony

Written By: Ali Audi | December 18, 2013 | No Comments

Almost every client that comes into our office needing help with a divorce wants to know what kind of Spousal Support they are entitled to, or what kind of support they might have to pay. Spousal Support, APL, and Alimony Are Different and Still Used in Pennsylvania Most clients have never heard of APL; thinkā€¦